About 123 researchers, academicians, Scientists, and development workers representing four countries attended the 1st International E- Conference on Engineering, Science, Technology and Management held on 28 June 2020 in Google meet apps (https://meet.google.com/dfa-pjak-zid) at Greater Noida UP India.

Serving as a platform for exchange on the latest knowledge on technique and developed the Project in india and abroad of scientific meeting had three plenary sessions and four parallel sessions on the following themes where a total of 90 papers were presented:
The papers presented a wide range of new knowledge along with appropriate, indigenous or local technologies that can be used to address the impacts of Science ,Engineering, Technology and Management for strategies, but also for mitigation and increasing resilience. The initiatives described likewise vary widely in methods and approaches (simulation/modeling by experts to highly participatory approaches with direct involvement of end users in the field); mechanics of breathing, Basic concepts of finite element methods and its application in solving PDEs , Application of auxiliary variables in estimation of parameters, Energy storage Batteries-a solution to global warming and environmental protection, Recent advancement in graph theory, Multi criteria decision making techniques: Decision maker for medical diagnosis Entrepreneurship in the modern era, Security and Graph theory and recent scientific approach to physical phenomena. The aim is for conference to be learned, good practices to be adopted or adapted and up scaled, and for new initiatives to be undertaken – that technology, science and management.